Object Sim is ISO 26262-certified to the highest tool confidence level (TCL 3) and supports the development of automotive safety integrity level D (ASIL-D) safety-critical autonomous systems.


In ADAS and AD software development, teams need to test their systems in the real world or virtually. Real-world testing can be slow, expensive, and dangerous. Virtual testing allows engineering teams to productionize ADAS and AD systems efficiently, but simulators must integrate with all systems under test. Engineering teams also require physics-based motion simulation, realistic actor behavior models, graphical user interface (GUI)-based workflows, and cloud-based collaboration workflows to create and manage scenarios at scale.

Why Object Sim?

Virtual testing with Applied Intuition Object Sim allows engineering teams to productionize advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and automated driving (AD) systems efficiently.
ISO 26262-certified simulator with both data-driven and rule-based agent behaviors and physically accurate vehicle dynamics available out of the box
Industry-leading cloud collaboration and simulation
A deterministic core engine that allows teams to run realistic, physics-based simulations at scale
Applied Intuition Copilot to automate and scale tasks like scenario creation and result analysis


Conduct safer testing

Replace real-world testing with virtual tests that leverage both data-driven and rule-based agent behaviors, and physically accurate vehicle dynamics to ensure realism.

Improve development efficiency

Accelerate development and testing with cloud collaboration and generative AI tools that automate manual tasks like scenario creation and data analysis.

Increase coverage

Rapidly expand test coverage with both parameter and AI-based scenario generation. Scale running scenarios seamlessly in the cloud.

Key components

Deterministic engine

Run a core engine that is deterministic, requires a central processing unit (CPU) only, and integrates flexibly with maps and systems under test.


Utilize both rule-based behaviors and intelligent behavior models that leverage real-world drive data to learn and emulate real-world driving cultures. CarSim and TruckSim models simulate physics-based dynamics for cars, trucks, tractor-trailers, and other vehicles.


Support hundreds of concurrent users, tens of thousands of parallel simulations, and immediate large-scale analysis with cloud infrastructure. Pair Object Sim with Cloud Engine to support cloud-based collaboration across global teams.

Intuitive UI

Create scenarios in minutes and root-cause results collaboratively with an easy-to-use web-based GUI. Leverage Applied Intuition Copilot to automate both scenario creation and data analysis using natural language.

Key components

Deterministic engine

Run a core engine that is deterministic, requires a central processing unit (CPU) only, and integrates flexibly with maps and systems under test.


Utilize both rule-based behaviors and intelligent behavior models that leverage real-world drive data to learn and emulate real-world driving cultures. CarSim and TruckSim models simulate physics-based dynamics for cars, trucks, tractor-trailers, and other vehicles.


Support hundreds of concurrent users, tens of thousands of parallel simulations, and immediate large-scale analysis with cloud infrastructure. Pair Object Sim with Cloud Engine to support cloud-based collaboration across global teams.

Intuitive UI

Create scenarios in minutes and root-cause results collaboratively with an easy-to-use web-based GUI. Leverage Applied Intuition Copilot to automate both scenario creation and data analysis using natural language.

Get started with Object Sim

Learn how to make prediction, planning, and controls development faster, safer, and more cost-effective with ADAS and AD simulation.
Contact us